Aila was born amidst conflict in the Black Shroud, as her mother’s tribe waged war with the Gridanians. When the City-State retaliated and destroyed her home, a young Aila was taken to the South Shroud and forced to find a new life.It was here she would meet a Limsan fisherman named Orwen, and find a new home sailing Eorzea’s waves with the crew of the Laughing Trout. She learned how to fish, swing an ax, and survive the wonders of the world.Years later Orwen, now her brother, would see her off as she begun her journey as an adventurer. In her long journey she would transform from a naive and headstrong warrior into a reserved and matured hero.She holds the memories she has made close to her heart.


-Before ARR-1547 6e-Theoric de Rousseaux is born in the Eastern Coerthas Highlands as the first son of Jacques de Rousseaux and Sofine de Rousseaux-Garlemald Conquers Dalmasca1551 6e-Saga bas Corwyk is born near Manatheihwo to Ilya cen Corwyk and Auguste oen Corwyk1552 6e-Ala Nelhah is born in the Twelveswood to Rhaya Nelhah.-Garlemald Conquers Doma1557 6e-Cwaenrael Haldcwinwyn is born in the Dravanian Colony to Haldcwin Hyrtmyrgensyn and Arenwyb Rhylbremwyn-Ala Mhigo erupts in Civil War and is swiftly conquered by the XIVth Legion1558 6e-A young Orwen Birchtree joins a pirate crew, cleaning decks mostly1559 6e-Orwen's crew is slaughtered by Sahagin whilst at sea. Orwen takes a trident to his leg in the fighting. First Mate Dornnlona Hyllfhiswyn drags Orwen to shore, and the two put piracy behind them.-Dornnlona purchases the Laughing Trout and puts a crew together, keeping Orwen and hiring the Bhen sisters and Chef. They will be fishermen, not pirates.1560 6e-Rhaya is disappointed in Ala's soft heart, and decides to take her on their next “hunt”.-Whilst ambushing a gridanian expedition, Rhaya shoots an accompanying Seedseer through the heart. Without the Seedseer's guidance the Elementals rage, and forest spirits descend to slaughter Gridanian and Keeper both. Rhaya is killed in the fighting.-Wood Wailers arrive in the aftermath of the battle, and discover Ala and Rhaya'to huddled in a ditch. They are scared and alone, so the Wailers take them back to camp. Ala's name is put down as ‘Aila’ in their records.-Saga gets lost in the woods, and is cornered by a large wolf. It growls at her and lunges, but she is saved by her father before it can harm her.1561 6e-Aila spends time in the South Shroud at the Wailer's camp whilst Rhaya'to is sent to an orphanage in Gridania.-A visiting fishing crew spends the night at the Wailers camp. The youngest of the fishermen, a 16 year old Orwen Birchtree, ends up befriending Aila. Deciding she doesn't want to stay in the Shroud anymore, she begs Captain Hyllfhiswyn to allow her to join the vessel.-Aila joins the Laughing Trout crew-Saga begins to train with old surplus equipment from her mother's shop. She dreams of being a mage knight or a soldier like her father, and practices every day swinging dull swords.1562 6e-Cwaenrael's family leave the Dravanian Colony as part of the Exodus.-The young lion Leonifer de Rousseaux goes missing in the Dravanian Hinterlands.-The Battle of Silvertear Skies-The Bozja incident occurs1565 6e-Theoric comes of age, and is summoned to serve as a Knight of House Haillenarte. Count Baurendouin is looking for the next “Young Lion” and forces Lord Jacques to give up his firstborn son. Jacques never forgives this, and Theo begins training as a knight.1567 6e-Theoric is assigned to the Stone Vigil-Cwaenrael's mother, Arenwyb, gets sick. The disease cannot be identified, and her health begins to deteriorate.1568 6e-The XIVth legion travels through Landis after returning from putting down rebellions in Dalmasca. The Legion arrives in Manatheihwo to resupply, and a 17yr Saga sneaks out to join the XIVth's recruitment exams. She passes with flying colors, and to her mother's dismay is taken into the XIVth.-House Rosus agrees to sponsor the most promising recruits of the XIVth, and Malleus chooses Saga as a trainee.1569 6e-Saga arrives in Ala Mhigo, and begins specialty training under Malleus.-Cwaenrael's mother passes away.1570 6e-Theoric meets Elliot Gildoix, a lowborn soldier serving House Haillenarte. The two find common interest in poetry, writing together, singing together, and eventually fall in love.-Saga discovers a Red Mage soul crystal hidden away in Ala Mhigo. She takes it and begins to study the history of the Red Mages in secret.1572 6e / 0 7e-The XIVth's campaign in Eorzea begins to grow larger, Saga and Malleus are called to the frontlines-Saga is sent with the XIVth’s token force at the battle of Carteneau, intended to observe the battle and stop the alliance from pushing past the VIIth. She is part of a scouting party and given a ridge to stand guard at.-The 7th Umbral Calamity occurs-Bahamut's megaflare strikes her squad, vaporizing most. A shard of pure crystal aether is shot into Saga's eye by the explosion, and she collapses.-Louisioux, as the Phoenix, stops Bahamut. The phoenix's energy keeps Saga hanging at the edge of death.-Saga is discovered by Ul'dahn medics miraculously still alive. Seeing she lacks the Garlean Third Eye they take pity on her, change her into Ul'dahn wraps, and heal her back to health.-Harsh storms ravage the seas around Vylbrand, and The Laughing Trout is caught in the middle of it. They barely make it back to port, several of the crew nearly tossed overboard.-Blizzards strike Coerthas and the once green landscape turns bitterly cold.-Aila and Orwen retire from the Laughing Trout crew. Orwen uses his savings to buy a small plot of land near Red Rooster Stead.-Saga is sent to the Lemures in Ul'dah, who help get her life started again. She takes the surname Blackthorne.-Aila has terrible dreams of labyrinths and suffocating darkness in the year following the Calamity. Dalamud falling rejoins the Seventh Shard to the Source, and whilst Aila does not know this, these nightmares are the memories of the Seventh Fragment. They eventually quiet as her soul encompasses another shard.1 7e-It becomes clear the winters in Coerthas will not be letting up. Life grows harder at the Stone Vigil, rations grow thin.-Theoric receives a letter from his family informing him their home in the Eastern Highlands has been abandoned to the snow.-Cwaenrael enters the Studium to study Medicine and Aetherology.2 7e-Saga is given a small room in Ul’Dah’s slums and is offered work at the Arrzaneth Ossuary. She works cataloging texts for the Thaumaturgy guild and spends her nights reading more of aetherology and magic.-The dragon Svara descends and destroys the Stone Vigil. Theoric watches the beast kill Elliot, and flees for his life into the snow.-A dazed Theoric is found by Wood Wailers at the border of the twelveswood, and is brought to Fallgourd Float to recover.3 7e-Theoric meets Jehantel at Fallgourd Float. The two begin to travel together and Theoric studies the art of the Bard.4 7e-Aila tells Orwen she wants to go on an adventure, and Orwen agrees to teach her some basics. She learns to swing and throw an ax, maintain her gear, and make camp-Saga is given a new eye by the Thaumaturgy’s guild, enchanted to feel similar to her old one. It works to plug up the abundant aether that pours out of her on occasion.-Theoric bids farewell to Jehantel, and leaves to travel on his own as a Bard.-Cwaenrael graduates from the Studium and asks her father if she can travel to Eorzea to research their medicine.-Cwaenrael departs for EorzeaA REALM REBORN BEGINSAt the beginning of A Realm Reborn…
-Aila is having a final meal with Orwen before she sets off to become an adventurer.
-Cwaenrael is on a ship headed to Limsa Lominsa, finally returning to the land of her birth.-Saga is huddled in her cramped Ul'dahn room, studying through borrowed texts on Thaumaturgy.-Theoric is at Bentbranch Meadows, sleeping on a pile of hay.---Cwaenrael arrives in Limsa Lominsa and finds rumors of the lost city of Nym-Aila decides to use Orwen's surname going forward.-Aila signs up for the adventuring guild.-Cwaenrael asks around the Adventuring Guild for an escort to Camp Bronzelake, hoping to study the ruins there. She meets Aila, who agrees to work with her.-Aila and Rael depart to Camp Bronzelake.-Cwaenrael begins the SCH questline, doing it intermittently throughout ARR.-Aila and Cwaenrael meet Y’shtola whilst investigating, and are ambushed by a Goobbue. They do the Limsa opening quests together, solving the pirate threat alongside Y’sh.5 7e-Aila and Rael serve as Limsan Envoys for the remembrance festival, marking the beginning of Year 5-Saga has an Echo vision when she first meets Aila, who has come to ask after missing crystal shipments at the Thaumaturge's Guild. Aila departs soon after to face Ifrit.-Plagued by visions of Aila and her allies being slain by the lord of the Inferno, Saga takes a wand and an old sword from the Guild and departs to help them. She finds them tied up before Ifrit, and helps them in the fight.-Aila offers Saga a place in the Scions, tempting her with a promise to explain the strange visions she's had for so long. Saga hesitantly agrees.-Aila unlocks her Inner Beast during the fight with Titan. Titan nearly kills her and she goes into a rage, cleaving the Primal’s heart in half.-The Attack on the Waking Sands occurs.-Curious Gorge seeks Aila out and helps her learn to be a WAR. She does the WAR questline between Titan and meeting Cid in the Church.Theoric and Aila face the Dragon Svara as the final boss of Stone Vigil, and Theo must confront his past. He initially freezes up and wants to run, but Aila shakes him out of it and promises to see him through it. They eventually win the fight, and Theo breaks down crying. He swears to fight for Aila permanently from that point onward.-The Praetorium Falls.-Cwaenrael meets Alisaie and does the Bahamut questline.-Cwaenrael finds her soul different after the Bahamut quests, and finds Y’mhitra whilst looking for answers. She does the SMN quests.-(2.2)Emperor Solus zos Galvus dies without an appointed heir. The Empire erupts into civil war.-(2.2)Doma revolts against the Empire.-(2.2)Lady Yugiri arrives in Eorzea.-(2.4)The War of Succession ends, Varis zos Galvus is named Emperor.-The Bloody Banquet occurs.-Aila escapes the Banquet with her life, but not before losing most of her friends. Events go largely according to MSQ, but during the crossing into Coerthas the Braves ambush the carriage. Aila is split from Alphinaud, and is badly injured. She drags herself, half dead and bleeding out, through the snow to Camp Dragonhead. She sees glimpses of yellow fields and voices that aren't hers as she bleeds out. A knight finds her there and brings her to Lord Haurchefant.-Saga is imprisoned at Ul’dah by the Brass Blades. Cwaenrael is put in a cell near her.6 7eHEAVENSWARD BEGINS (Start of Year)-At the beginning of Heavensward…
-Aila is staying at the Falling Snows, recovering from her near death at the hands of the Crystal Braves. She is waiting to be admitted into Ishgard proper.
-Cwaenrael is imprisoned in Ul'dah, awaiting release.-Saga is imprisoned in Ul'dah, and has sent a message through the void to Drusilla.-Theoric is staying at Camp Dragonhead, helping secure passage into Ishgard for Aila, Tataru, and Alphinaud.---HW goes largely according to MSQ. Aila and Theoric accompany Ysayle, Estinien, and Alphinaud to meet with Hraesvelgr. Saga and Cwaenrael handle the Ul’dah plotlines, freeing Raubahn and fighting the Braves.-The Lemures help break Saga and Cwaenrael out, and both of them flee Ul’dah.-Aila follows Alphinaud to Ishgard but finds herself numb and directionless. She can barely get herself to talk, let alone feel. Whilst wandering the Brume she stumbles across a dying knight with yellow eyes.-Her rage all but spent, she takes up the sword and begins to train with Fray. The only friend she has left. Aila becomes outwardly colder and less responsive.-As she journeys to meet Hraesvelgr, Fray begins to speak and act more and more like her. Nobody else seems to see them. They appear in reflections or dark corners, never quite in view.-Ysayle is ruined by Hraesvelgr's truth, and Aila struggles to see another friend brought low. She ignores it and focuses ahead, leaving to slay Nidhogg with Estinien rather than comfort her distraught friend. Aila begins to speak less and less.-Saga does the RDM quests whilst Aila and Theoric are in Dravania. She meets X’rhun and gets a better grasp on Red Magic.-After the Vault, Aila walks away largely dazed and sits for a long time emotionless. Her mind is buzzing. Her response to another death is seen as tactless. Theoric begs her to show any kind of response, and storms off when she looks at him stone faced.-Cwaenrael does the HW SMN questlines and SCH questlines.-Y'shtola being plucked from the lifestream ignites a spark of hope in Aila, and she rushes to hug her as she falls. It's the first strong emotion she's shown in some time, and it's quickly replaced by stoicism.-Cwaenrael and Saga rejoin Aila as she departs to the Dravanian Hinterlands.-Cwaenrael discovers her birthplace, and explores the now abandoned Dravanian Colony.-Thordan sees a glimpse of something in Aila as he dies, souls layered atop one another and powers far older than the world beating in her heart. Aila thinks little of it.-Thordan is slain-Theoric is appointed to the Knights Dragoon for his service in slaying Nidhogg(The first time), meeting with Hraesvelgr, and facing the corrupted Archduke Thordan.-Theoric trains with Alberic and does the (Estinienless) ARR & HW DRG quests.-Aila wanders into the wilderness and is finally stopped and confronted by Fray. The two duel, and Fray gives way to Esteem, Aila's other half. Her emotions, long ignored, have born a new being. They come to terms with one another, and Aila breaks down and cries for a long while in the snow. She starts to feel everything she ignored, the joys and losses, and allows herself to be scared and keep hoping anyways. Fray says goodbye and becomes a memory, Trusting Esteem and Aila to work together going forward.-On the Steps of Faith Aila and Theoric facedown Nidhogg. After Nidhogg defeats Hraesvelgr, he gives his eye to Theoric. With the power of the eye Theoric fights Nidhogg once again, saves Aila’s life during the fight, and manages to free Estinien.-During the Mhach quests Saga begins to dream of a mangy wolf begging for food. She sees it hiding in the shadows as she works her way through the city of Dun Scaith.-Whilst fighting Scathach the party is nearly defeated, and Saga is pushed to the brink of death. The wolf approaches her and offers her survival if she gives it a meal. She agrees and makes a pact with the voidsent Cagnarosa, who possesses her body and leaps to consume Scathach.-Aymeric names Theoric “An Azure Dragoon for a new age”, which Theoric reluctantly accepts. With Estinien gone Theoric is made to represent Ishgard's future.-Theoric departs to Anyx Trine to serve as an intermediary between Ishgard and Dravania.-Theo does Sohm Al(Hard) to prove himself to the dragons of the Trine. Fylgja is assigned to accompany him, thanks to her smaller size, and is impressed with his skill.-Theoric and Fylgja bond over their love of music and battle. With help from Fylgja and Vedrfolnir Theo begins to learn some dragonspeak and begins penning a personal dictionary.-Saga returns to the Lemures and does the RPR quests.-Aila meets Sidurgu and does the HW DRK quests.STORMBLOOD BEGINS (Middle of Year)-In her first encounter with Zenos, Aila attempts to access her inner darkness but it's less powerful than before. Her newfound closure has brought her calm, but also sapped her of the strength of bitter duty. Zenos dispatches her with relative ease, but finds her far more durable than expected. He senses something different about her but can't place what.-Aila arrives in Kugane.-Tataru buys Aila new gear styled after the city.-In her second encounter with Zenos, he breaks her sword in half and nearly kills her. Disappointed he leaves her body to be dragged back to the liberation front by Yugiri and departs. Something is burning in Aila's heart and the darkness can no longer drown it out.-Swordless and with her inner darkness wavering, Aila travels to the Steppe.

-Aila complete's bardam's mettle, impressing the warriors of the steppe. They sense the spirit of a true warrior within her, and dress her in warrior garb and axe for the Naadam. Whilst dueling Magnai her inner beast awakens once again, and she goes into a rage pummeling the Sun into the earth. The rage quickly fades, and she apologizes for the violence. The Steppe views the display as deeply impressive.-Aila is named ‘Ala Khatun’ and Temulun names her “The Khatun of Moon and Stars” after seeing glimpses of her fate. Temulun warns her she carries a terrible mantle and has “A crown of stolen fire”-Doma is liberated-Ala Mhigo is liberated-Saga finds Greywind, the Griffin, and claims her as a mount. Greywind has nearly slain a dozen riders, and the Garleans always struggled to keep her, but she respects Saga's strength.-(4.3) Saga and Thancred depart to travel through Garlemald and gain information.-Aila does the SB DRK quests-(4.4) Saga and Thancred return after receiving an urgent message from Alphinaud.7 7eSHADOWBRINGERS BEGINS (Middle of Year)-Aila is whisked away to the first. The other Warriors of Light are left on the source.-Theoric does the SB DRG quests-Cwaenrael does the SB SMN and SCH quests, having Saga's help against the final voidsent of disease.-Meeting with Ardbert seems to settle Aila’s soul down a little, and he helps her utilize Dark Knight and Warrior in balance with each other.-Aila rejoins fully with Ardbert, and her soul becomes 8-times Rejoined. Emet-Selch recognizes the half-made puppet of his dear friend's corpse, and is deeply unsettled.-Emet-Selch is slain-Emperor Varis zos Galvus is killed by Zenos in Garlemald. The Empire erupts into a second Civil War.-Saga does the Weapons series, meeting Gaius once again. While Aila is on the first.-Aila returns to the Source with the Scions8 7eENDWALKER BEGINS (Start of Year)-Aila and the Scions depart to Ultima Thule. Saga, Theo, and Rael take command of the home guard, traveling around the world to face the Final Days and save who they can(Role Quests).-Saga travels to Ala Mhigo and Doma to face the blasphemy Charlet with Arenvald and Fordola.-Theoric travels to Ishgard to face the blasphemy Profane Fafnir with Aymeric and Artoirel.-Cwaenrael travels to Limsa and Gridania to face the blasphemies Gleipnir and the Indigo Beast with Kan-E and the Company of Heroes.-Whilst facing the Endsinger Aila's soul begins to fracture, her consciousness fading as the fully resplendent Warrior of Light takes charge. The prayers of her comrades give her strength, and she gives in to the mantle.-When she first faces Zenos Aila stands as the Warrior of Light, her eyes glow and body cracks, but she is still barely holding on to control.-Aila is killed several times whilst facing Zenos. Each death rends her soul further apart, and leaves less of Aila there everytime the body stands back up. When she returns to the Ragnarok she is in poor shape. Her body is brutalized, and her soul is a patchwork that's seams have split. The being in control of the body is shifting constantly, as the parts of her soul fight for control. Y'shtola gets a full view of the terribly resplendent being before her, an eldritch divine of light, the shattered remnants of an ancient soul. Y'shtola sees a figure in black robes in the corner of her vision, who kneels next to Aila and calms her soul, saving her life.-After returning home from Ultima Thule Aila must spend a while recovering from her fight with Zenos and the Endsinger. She does physical therapy for a few weeks, but eventually grows restless and decides to “walk-it-off” and spends a few months traveling. Her first stop is Gridania where she picks up White Magic from Kan-E-Senna, as well as meeting with the Keeper Tribes of the Twelveswood and helping to foster a better relationship between Gridania and its neighbors. Kan-E tells her to foster her relationship with the earth by traveling, and she walks with her staff.-Next Aila returns to Limsa and visits Orwen, then travels to Ishgard to visit the Fortemps family, Aymeric, and other HW npcs. In Ishgard she begins to have a repeating dream of Golden Fields. She next travels to Ala Mhigo, and then to the far east to visit SB npcs. Thanks to Aetheryte travel these trips do not take very long. She visits the steppe and has a rematch with Magnai and Sadu, testing her new magic against both of them. It's a close bout but she manages to win, Sadu is thrilled and Magnai is disappointed.-Then Aila returns to Mor Dhona, visits the First through the Crystal Tower briefly to go to Amaurot, almost compelled to go see it before it fades. Whilst looking at Amaurot she feels urged to do something, or speak with someone. She returns to Mor Dhona, but that night finds the Crystal of Azem floating atop her chest. She wanders into the wilderness and goes missing for a week, doing Skein and the Elysian Fields. Afterwards she has found closure with the other Shards, regained some semblance of self from the Warrior of Light, and been freed of Azem’s Legacy. Aila returns to Mor Dhona, speaks with Tataru, and begins 6.1 as Aila Birchtree rather than the Warrior of Light.NEWFOUND ADVENTURE (Middle of Year)-Cagnarosa senses Voidsent in Garlemald, and Saga departs to investigate.-Saga finds Zero facing off against Voidsent in the snow, and saves her life, but not before wheeling around and threatening to send her back to the void. Aila arrives just in time to explain the situation.9 7eDAWNTRAIL BEGINS (Start of Year)-At the beginning of Dawntrail…
-Aila is preparing to depart from Sharlayan, ready to test her new magical art in the New World and help Wuk Lamat win her contest.
-Cwaenrael, as a newly appointed Archon, has been invited by Koana to assist him. She is an expert in Aetherology and Biology, and hopes to study the New World's plants and animals. Having recently joined the Students of Baldesion, Cwaenrael also gets the chance to face her fellow student Krile and longtime ally Aila.-Saga is following a trail sniffed out by Cagnarosa, taking her to Tural to find her prey. She hopes to study the regions martial and arcane traditions while she is there.-Theoric has departed to Tural to discover its histories, and find out if Dragonkin ever ventured to the far off continent. He gets thrown overboard amidst rough waters, and washes up on Tulliyolal's beaches.--For the first half of DT Aila is with Wuk Lamat's bid, Rael with Koana's bid, Saga appearing intermittently whilst hunting beasts and voidsent, and Theo wandering and being his bard self. Theo follows after the Rite of Succession, recording the contest in song. The gang's all gathered together following Shaaloani, and work to help Wuk Lamat and friends in Zone 5 and 6.


Aila is the canonical Warrior of Light, a woman with a gentle heart and the strength of ancients who strives ever to find understanding.

Name: Aila Birchtree, born Ala Nelhah
Age: 25(ARR), 29(After EW)
Jobs: DRK, WAR, WHM, and FSH
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Birthplace: The Lovers Mirror, Twelveswood
Home: Orwen's Ranch, Red Rooster Stead
Patron: Menphina (Birth) & Lymlaen (Choice)
Symbolism: The Moon, Salmon, Fishing Hooks, Amber and Blue
Personality: Loyal, Eager, Caring, Patient / Stubborn, Reserved, Self-Sacrificial, Emotional
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (4/7)
Likes & Dislikes: Fishing, Rain, Natural Landscapes / Puzzles, Suprises, Wine

-Strength-◆◆◆◆◇Possessed of surprising strength, able to lift and swing her large weapons with relative ease. Her preference for large weaponry has kept her strong.
-Endurance-◆◆◆◆◆Blessed with unnatural endurance, Aila has survived wounds that would kill others relatively unscathed. This is due to the robustness of her 8 times rejoined soul, and the power of Azem that burns within her.
-Dexterity-◆◆◇◇◇She prefers to endure hits rather than avoid them, and tends to be relatively clumsy when not ready for combat. This is entirely reversed when she has the chance to swim, finding great speed and maneuverability she lacks on land.
-Intelligence-◆◇◇◇◇With no formal education, and only learning to read in her twenties, Aila has very little academic knowledge. She prefers to learn through action and listening, the world has many stories to tell.
-Wisdom-◆◆◆◇◇Her many journeys have given her a quiet wisdom, which she is eager to impart where she can. Aila spends much of her time wandering and offering help and advice.
-Charisma-◆◆◇◇◇Whilst likeable to those she knows, Aila has very little skill at crowd work or conversation. She prefers earnest eagerness, and tends to show her cards easily.
-Perception-◆◆◆◆◇Accute senses and the ability to percieve the color of souls gives Aila far above average perception.
-Will-◆◆◆◆◆It was not her skill at arms, her bright soul, or her survival knowledge that saw her to Journey's End. It was her heart, her will.
-Strategy-◆◇◇◇◇Emotions, or the avoidance of them, tends to make up her decision making. Her trust in herself makes up for the lack of strategic logic.
-Offense-◆◆◇◇◇Martial skill has never been her main focus, and whilst comfortable in her profession she's woefully outstripped by her more aggressive allies.
-Defense-◆◆◆◆◇Endurance is Aila's biggest strength, her ability to shrug off powerful blows and keep herself fighting when others would be dropped.
-Support-◆◆◆◇◇White Magic has been a recent interest of hers, and is still something she is developing. In the future she may be excellent, but for now she is capable.


I sing of the Fourteenth Seat, Azem, of bountiful harvest and sunlit gem;
Traveler of far-flung fame, within this song I enshrine thine name;
Twice-forgiven wanderer who judges fair, and would see the world in thy constant care;
And give to man all they require, so that plenty and love meet all desire;
Shepherd to the gentle hearted, from whose steps are new paths charted;
Of reaper’s scythe and bounty axed, guide of stars and hearts relaxed;
Known by many, revered by all, to thine love may despair ne’er befall;
In your duty you shalt never bend, and find yourself at peace upon Journey’s End.
-Hymn to the Traveler

Aila's soul is but a fragment of Demeter, holder of the fourteenth seat and shepherd to the stars in the dark.Demeter, in her capacity as Azem, was a kind and soft spoken wanderer who never hesitated to help the common people. She was a master of agriculture, a longtime friend of Venat, and a powerful warrior. When the Final Days came, she stood alone to stop it.She failed.

A quartet of light

Aila does not carry the burdens of being champion alone, and throughout her travels is aided by three other blessed warrior's.

Saga Blackthorne - Longtime AllySaga is a former Garlean soldier, whose life was forever changed when Dalamud fell. She is slow to open up, but is nevertheless a stalwart ally and one of Aila's closest friends. In recent times Saga has been working in Garlemald to rebuild the nation she once called home.Cwaenrael Haldcwinwyn - First Adventuring BuddyAila met Rael on her very first quest, where she escorted the young studium graduate to study the secrets of Bronze Lake. The two wound up knee's deep in a pirate's plot and have been inseperable ever since.Theoric de Rousseaux - Fellow Eye-BearerTheoric is a wandering bard, who Aila helped face his bitter past in Ishgard. He swore his bow to her service then and there, and the two travelled throughout Heavensward. Theo is the only other to wield Hraesvelgr's eye and face Nidhogg, an experience that has left the two close.

Scions & Sinners

Y'shtola - Closest CompanionAila loves showing Y'shtola all the natural spots she's ventured through and teaching her "on the job" survival skills. She picked up a minor love for storytelling from Urianger and Theoric, and Y'shtola will gladly listen whilst Aila walks her through and describes the landscape and its history. Aila also enjoys teaching her things like camping, fishing, or cooking and loves rambling about fish to her. Y'shtola in-turn loves sharing academic knowledge and stories with Aila, and uses her to bounce theories and ideas off of. Aila gets to play the part of layman, and often acts as a novel perspective. Y’shtola was the one to teach Aila reading, something Aila will be forever grateful for.When they're both in the same spot, a rarity in recent times, they still sit together in quiet. Y'shtola will read or research and Aila will enjoy the quiet company to whittle or simply rest. Their ideal would be to find a place where Aila can fish and Y'shtola can read, each quiet in eachothers company.Y'shtola gifted Aila the axe 'Ravel Keeper' on the first, an object Aila now cherishes. The axe is enchanted by the sorceress.Ardbert - Brotherly Spirit GuideSince Ardbert's joining with her soul, he has served as her only constant friend. When Aila bottles up all her feelings and presents a happy face to the world, it's Ardbert that knows better and is there for her. When her soul began to fracture apart he guided her through her fragmented memory and brought her before Demeter.Lyse - Practically her SisterQuickly became friends after Aila joined the Scions, and later reunited to find both had matured greatly into their roles. Make time to regularly meet now that they are both busy so often.Alphinaud & Alisaie - Little SiblingsAila is very protective of the Twins and sees them as her siblings. She's incredibly proud of the growth they've both experienced, loves spending time with them, and enjoys messing with both.Alphinaud was there when Aila was at her lowest and his continued positive outlook helped keep Aila taking steps forward. She wouldn't have made it to the otherside of Heavensward without his constant example.Alisaie matches a lot of the ideals a younger Aila had, and she tries her best to be a good role model for her. They regularly team up to mess with other Scions, or go tackle some beast to the ground.Aila enjoys spending time with both the twins, taking them out places and acting as big sister.Thancred - Drinking BuddyAila and Thancred are old drinking buddies and good friends. She acts as an Aunt to Ryne, helps Thancred through processing things, and the two often reminisce over drinks. They were slower to really open up to one another, but there has always been mutual respect.Ysayle - A Lost ChanceIf only they had met under better circumstances, in better times. Aila spent much of Heavensward quietly growing close to Ysayle, but refused to show any emotion for worry of having things ripped away once again. She didn't give herself time to process her death, and it would take many months before she truly came to terms with what was lost.